100 day conversational
spanish challenge

Helpful vocabulary and phrases to
catapult your progression to fluency.

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”

What Can I Expect To Receive?

Here’s a look at the first email.
All this goodness, I know. There’s more where that came from.


1. abierto/a – (ah-bee-ehr-toh/tah)
Translation: open
English: The store is open all day.
Spanish: La tienda está abierta todo el día.

2. abogado/a – (ah-boh-gah-doh/dah)
Translation: lawyer
English: He dismissed his lawyer in the middle of the trial.
Spanish: Despidió a su abogado en medio del juicio.

3. abrir – (ah-breer)
Translation: to open
English: I want to open a bottle of wine.
Spanish: Quiero abrir una botella de vino.

4. abuelo/a – (ah-bway-loh/lah)
Translation: grandfather/grandmother
English: My maternal grandfather is the wisest man I know.
Spanish: Mi abuelo materno es el hombre más sabio que conozco.

5. aburrido/a – (ah-boo-rree-doh/ah)
Translation: bored, boring
English: Are you bored? Then come with me to the movies.
Spanish: ¿Estás aburrido? Pues ven conmigo al cine.

6. acabar – (ah-kah-bar)
Translation: to end, to finish
English: I finish my classes in June.
Spanish: Yo acabo mis clases en junio.

7. aceite (m) – (ah-say-ee-tay)
Translation: oil
English: I prefer to cook with coconut oil.
Spanish: Prefiero cocinar con aceite de coco.

8. acompañar – (ah-kom-pahn-yar)
Translation: to go with, to accompany
English: Can I go with you to the store?
Spanish: ¿Te puedo acompañar a la tienda?

9. acordarse de – (ah-kor-dar-say day)
Translation: to remember to
English: Remember to turn off all the lights before you leave.
Spanish: Acuérdate de apagar todas las luces antes de salir.

10. actividad (f) – (ahk-tee-vee-dahd)
Translation: activity
English: What activities do you enjoy doing on the weekend?
Spanish: ¿Qué tipo de actividades te gusta hacer los fines de semana?
