100 Day Conversational Spanish Challenge

100 day conversational
spanish challenge

Helpful vocabulary and phrases to
catapult your progression to fluency.

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”

What Can I Expect To Receive?

Here’s a look at the first email.
All this goodness, I know. There’s more where that came from.


1. abierto/a – (ah-bee-ehr-toh/tah)
Translation: open
English: The store is open all day.
Spanish: La tienda está abierta todo el día.

2. abogado/a – (ah-boh-gah-doh/dah)
Translation: lawyer
English: He dismissed his lawyer in the middle of the trial.
Spanish: Despidió a su abogado en medio del juicio.

3. abrir – (ah-breer)
Translation: to open
English: I want to open a bottle of wine.
Spanish: Quiero abrir una botella de vino.

4. abuelo/a – (ah-bway-loh/lah)
Translation: grandfather/grandmother
English: My maternal grandfather is the wisest man I know.
Spanish: Mi abuelo materno es el hombre más sabio que conozco.

5. aburrido/a – (ah-boo-rree-doh/ah)
Translation: bored, boring
English: Are you bored? Then come with me to the movies.
Spanish: ¿Estás aburrido? Pues ven conmigo al cine.

6. acabar – (ah-kah-bar)
Translation: to end, to finish
English: I finish my classes in June.
Spanish: Yo acabo mis clases en junio.

7. aceite (m) – (ah-say-ee-tay)
Translation: oil
English: I prefer to cook with coconut oil.
Spanish: Prefiero cocinar con aceite de coco.

8. acompañar – (ah-kom-pahn-yar)
Translation: to go with, to accompany
English: Can I go with you to the store?
Spanish: ¿Te puedo acompañar a la tienda?

9. acordarse de – (ah-kor-dar-say day)
Translation: to remember to
English: Remember to turn off all the lights before you leave.
Spanish: Acuérdate de apagar todas las luces antes de salir.

10. actividad (f) – (ahk-tee-vee-dahd)
Translation: activity
English: What activities do you enjoy doing on the weekend?
Spanish: ¿Qué tipo de actividades te gusta hacer los fines de semana?