Medical Spanish Challenge

100 day MEDICAL
spanish challenge

Helpful Medical Spanish vocabulary and phrases to catapult your progression to fluency.

Healthcare professionals should have the ability to communicate in more than one language with a diverse set of patients.

What Can I Expect To Receive?

Here’s a look at the first email.
All this goodness, I know. There’s more where that came from.

Human Body
Cuerpo Humano

1. Tobillo – (Toh-bee-yoh)
Translation: Ankle
English: He broke his ankle from falling off his bike.
Spanish: Se rompió el tobillo al caer de la bicicleta.

2. Brazo – (Brah-zoh)
Translation: Arm
English: Extend your arms
Spanish: extienda/estire sus brazos

3. Axila, “sobaco” – (ax-ee-luh, so-bah-co)
Translation: Armpit
English: In the old days, women did not shave their armpits
Spanish: Antiguamente las mujeres no se depilaban las axilas.

4. Espalda – (Es-pahl-duh)
Translation: Back
English: My back hurts.
Spanish: Me duele la espalda.

5. Seno – (Seh-noh)
Translation: Breast
English: My aunt had a cyst removed from her right breast.
Spanish: A mi tía le extirparon un quiste de su seno derecho.

6. Pecho – (Pay-cho)
Translation: Chest
English: The doctor asked him to take off his shirt to listen to his chest.
Spanish: El doctor le pidió que se quitara la camisa para auscultarle el pecho.

7. Mejilla – (Meh-hee-yuh)
Translation: Cheek
English: They slapped him on the cheek.
Spanish: Le dieron una bofetada en la mejilla.

8. Tímpano del oído – (Teem-pah-noh del oh-EE-doh)
Translation: Eardrum
English: The eardrum separates the middle ear from the outer ear.
Spanish: El tímpano separa el oído medio del externo.

9. Codo – (Coh-doh)
Translation: Elbow
English: Jaime can’t bend his right arm because he’s broken his elbow.
Spanish: Jaime no puede doblar el brazo derecho porque se rompió el codo.

10. Ojo – (Oh-hoe)
Translation: Eye
English: He doesn’t see well through his right eye.
Spanish: No ve bien por el ojo derecho.