French Short Stories for Beginners: 20 Exciting Short Stories to Easily Learn French & Improve Your Vocabulary – Volume 3 (Paperback)

It’s a nightmare trying to find French immersion material.

We know how you feel, and we have a solution!

Most French students have to go through the most difficult experiences to find useful learning material that isn’t too tough for them — as instructors, we realize this.

That is exactly what inspired us to continue our highly acclaimed French language learning series.

Enter French Stories for Beginners Vol 3: 20 easy-to-read, engaging, and fun stories. Each turn of the page brings a fresh new tale to dramatically expand your vocabulary and skyrocket your comprehension.

All stories are written with beginner French learners in mind using relevant words and phrases you can easily use in your day-to-day conversations. Complete with a summary, vocab list and set of clever questions to reinforce what you just learned.

$14.97 | Paperback

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