
The Complete List of Colors in Spanish

Complete List of Common Colors in Spanish for Beginners

This list of colors in Spanish is one of the basic (but important) lessons when you start learning Spanish. In addition, knowing the full list of colors in Spanish will help you to communicate with other people in a much better way.

Building a base of the most commonly used words in a language is important because it will help you to become more confident speaking.

Soon you will be able to ask for directions and even have a full conversation with natives! However, you have to start with the basics which is why you must have the right tools to get you to fluency fast!

Colors may seem like not that big of a deal, but are essential to your learning journey.

Below are the most commonly used colors in Spanish list with English translations so you can learn them in an easier way. Let’s start learning!


  • Green: Verde
  • Yellow: Amarillo
  • Blue: Azul
  • Red: Rojo
  • Orange: Naranja
  • Violet: Violeta/Morado
  • Black: Negro
  • White: Blanco
  • Fuchsia: Fucsia
  • Purple: Púrpura
  • Pink: Rosa
  • Salmon: Salmón
  • Magenta: Magenta
  • Gray: Gris
  • Brown: Marrón
  • Silver: Plateado/Plata
  • Ivory: Marfil
  • Champagne: Champaña
  • Gold: Dorado/Oro
  • Copper: Cobre
  • Amber: Ámbar
  • Aquamarine: Aguamarina
  • Turquoise: Turquesa
  • Cyan: Cian
  • Baby Blue: Azul Claro
  • Prussian Blue: Azul de Prusia
  • Navy Blue: Azul Marino
  • Jade: Jade
  • Olive: Verde Oliva
  • Lemon: Limón
  • Lime: Lima
  • Mustard: Mostaza
  • Lavender: Lavanda
  • Lilac: Lila
  • Scarlet: Escarlata
  • Burgundy: Borgoña
  • Beige: Beige
  • Ocher: Ocre

Now that you have a complete list of colors in Spanish it’s easy to use them in everyday conversation.

Now you can ask “Can you give me that green book, please?” (“¿Puedes darme ese libro verde, por favor?”) or even “Please pass me the yellow mustard” (“Por favor pasame la mostaza amarilla”)

The possibilities are endless and you should get creative! Never stop learning and remember to learn at least 1 new word and phrase each day!

Marc M

Founder and Chief Language Officer at Touri.
Having traveled to 29 countries and experiencing an array of different cultures, backgrounds and languages. Marc hopes to provide a glimpse into the world through our language lessons. He has an affinity for the outdoors, long distance running, anything tech related, building businesses, reading, networking with rad people and volunteering. He currently resides in New York City.

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