Online language learning

5 Advantages of Learning Spanish Online Than In A Classroom

The topic and interest of online learning has skyrocketed in the past couple of years, especially when it comes to language learning. Traditional classrooms are no long the best way to learn Spanish or any topic for that matter.

No doubt it depends on what type of experience you’re looking to have as there is a dramatically different experience with between the two. The one thing that you should be asking yourself is if there is a difference in the quality of education you receive.

Let’s delve deeper into this topic and check out a few of the main advantages of using the technology for learning the Spanish online versus taking the classic route of attending a class at your local college, language learning center, or private tutors.


Trying to get a to class all the way across town when you’re stuck in traffic for an hour after work is the worst.  It drains your motivation faster than the gas you burn to actually get there.

The best part about online learning is that you are able to take a class from anywhere, literally. You could even use your cell phone is you wanted. Remote learning from the comfort of your own home is one of the biggest benefits of learning a second language online. You could even take a quick class after work in your office. At home, at work, or a coffee shop: Anywhere with a solid internet connection becomes your classroom and learning playground.


According to, the cheapest you’ll find private Spanish lessons is $30 per hour—but in reality it’s more  around $50 . You can expect group lessons to be around $100 to $175 per month for a weekly 60 minute or 90 minute class. How much are you really going to learn from someone with just four hours per month? My guess is not THAT much.

Online programs such as Touri offers daily live classes for approximately $29 per week. *Value bomb* … that is a significant difference. Just think, you could potentially take around 30 classes per month for the same price as traditional Spanish-learners are paying for just four hours!


Of course, some people are able to afford a private Spanish tutor to visit them at their home every day for $50-$90 a lesson. Some have enough free time that they can make the commute to daily lessons. But in reality, most in-person classes are on a weekly basis.

Do you thinking you will learn more with 1 class a week or the opportunity to immerse yourself with 20 to 30 lessons monthly with a native instructor? When you get that much exposure to a language the difference is simply astronomical. I don’t even have to break it down for you because the math is so simple: 4 classes a month or 20 – 30 classes per month? Enough said.


Online courses allow the flexibility for you to attend lessons whenever you want. If we’re keeping score, then location restricted language learning facilities loses a point and online learning gains a point. When you have the ability to access your learning materials whenever you want is also a huge bonus.


What you will find with the majority of physical language learning institutions is common shared policy: “Missed classes may not be made up at another time or replaced with other services.” Wait, what? That sounds terrible.

What if you distracted  at work or some unforeseen circumstance happens? You end up missing out on valuable information that can’t be made up for and you potentially might fail the course if it isn’t self-paced. Even worse, you’ll have to retake the class. Bummer.

Even online Spanish courses that are not 100% self-paced are still booked by you at your own convenience. So the likelihood of missing a class is next to nil. On the contrary, even if you do miss a lesson,  you can just pick up from where you left off previously… it’s that simple.


Of course if I told you there was a drawback for learning online, I’d be lying to you. Online learning does require a little more focus and dedication. For younger students, a classroom environment can be important as it provides a little more structure. It also takes some discipline on your behalf to schedule your own lessons and follow through with the learning process. The ability for younger people to build their social networks is also important, which will provide social accountability amongst their peers as well.

On the other hand, adults with busy careers, this is usually not the case. As adults we already have a purpose or reason WHY we want to learn a language. This “why” is the driving force that causes us to take massive action even without the need of the structure.

The beauty about online lessons, especially in the eyes of professional adults is the ability to work around your schedule. The time saved by being able to attend class from pretty much anywhere you want, your progress is so much faster without making a huge dent into your budget makes learning a language online instead of in a classroom a no-brainer decision. If you learn more at a significantly faster pace, the quality of education is ultimately better.

Marc M

Founder and Chief Language Officer at Touri.
Having traveled to 29 countries and experiencing an array of different cultures, backgrounds and languages. Marc hopes to provide a glimpse into the world through our language lessons. He has an affinity for the outdoors, long distance running, anything tech related, building businesses, reading, networking with rad people and volunteering. He currently resides in New York City.

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